Children love technology.
Keep them safe!

Much has changed in recent years when it comes to children and their use of technology. According to research from the Pew Center, the majority of teens report daily access to a computer, game console, smartphone and tablet. With this increased technology use comes the opportunity for exposure to a broad range of unsuitable information, explicit sexual content, and violence. In addition, children and teens with access to technology are open to breeches of privacy, cyberbullying and inappropriate relationships formed on social media and online gaming sites.

At Axiom Technology Services, we believe that it is our duty to help inform parents of the dangers that un-restricted technology poses to children. We are proud to offer education and technology solutions to families and organizations seeking to keep children safe.

Let’s work together to give children a safe and beautiful childhood.

Take the next step to keep your family safe in a digital world

Our techs will customize a plan to protect your family. Take our technology survey today.

Today’s Trends

  • Some 47% of teens talk with others over video connections such as Skype, Oovoo, Facetime and Omegle. Older girls are the most enthusiastic chatters with 54% of them video calling or chatting with others compared with 44% of all other teens.

    Teen, Social Media and Technology Overview 2015
    Pew Research Center

Apps Parents Need to Know About

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