
As parents, we can only do so much to protect our kids online. Ultimately, it is a heart issue. If a child wants to access inappropriate content, they will find a way. We understand this first hand and have developed strategies to talk to kids about using technology responsibly.

Early intervention is the most effective. Children who have appropriate boundaries in place, before they ever receive access to technology, are the easiest to protect. Establishing standards and expectation right up front make it easy to keep an open dialog with your kids as they grow with technology.

However, we understand that this is not always realistic. We are a resource to help you through the process of setting boundaries and guidelines in your home. We firmly believe it is never too late to take back technology!

We are available to present strategies to parents in group settings or in your living room. We can talk to kids one-on-one or help you discuss internet safety issues with your children. Regardless of how it happens, education is our thing!