How it Works

Technology is complex.

Parents tell us they are often overwhelmed by their children’s unlimited access to games, websites, streaming content, etc. Many parents don’t know where to start and frequently express frustration about not understanding how each component works.

You are not alone. MANY parents feel discouraged believing that technology is out of their control.

Our goal is to help parents understand that they CAN take back technology in their home. We help parents understand how their children utilize technology and provide education on the potential dangers. We have found that parent awareness, communication, and involvement are the best and most effective ways to implement technology rules and strategies to protect their children.

Our hope is that parents will feel empowered to take back technology as a fun and educational.

How we do it:

Step One: Listen to your concerns and discover the technology needs for your home

Step Two: Help you set goals and standards for technology use in your home

Step Three: Plan and implement a strategy; providing education to keep up with technology changes

Step Four: Help you develop a plan to discuss changes with your kids

We DO NOT have access to your computers without you present

We WILL NOT access your browsing history or review your files